Smiley張棟樑大馬演唱會 Nicholas' Concert Live in Malaysia:
日期Date:2008 / 3/ 29 (六)
地點Venue : Stadium Putra Indoor, Bukit Jalil.
時間Time : 8pm.
大馬歌迷會會員優先訂票 Advance Booking for NFC members before 21/1/08:RM350 VVIP / RM260 VIP

謝謝大家一直以來的支持,棟樑終於要實現他的夢想,於三月舉行他的第一場大馬演唱會!為了回餽歌迷會會員,我們在23/1/08 公開售票之前優先讓會員訂購最前排的兩種票價,以便拿到最好的位子。任何預訂請在21/1/08前連絡NFC 會長 Auntie Kelly 016 2265575。逾期者自誤,恕不受理!謝謝!

Thanks for all your supports always! Nicholas is going to held his First Concert in Malaysia soon on March 08. Now, we are offering "Advance Booking" for 2 types of concert tickets (RM350 & RM260), only valid for NFC members internally before our public launch on 23/1/08. Kindly contact NFC Leader Auntie Kelly 016 2265575 before 21/1/08 for advance booking to get a better seating!


Warner Music Malaysia

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